Bart & The Bedazzled play 2220 Arts!


Get Your Tickets HERE!

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After a long hiatus, I’m happy to announce the return of The Loved Ones! We are recording a new album here in LA in May! We’ll be performing a handful of low-key shows between now and then to road-test our new material. On August 31, 2024 we’ll do a proper greatest hits set at the Whaam! Magazine 60th B-Day Blowout in San Francisco. Just before and after that, Bart & The Bedazzled will play two shows with jangle pop legends, Ocean Blue: August 23 at The Chapel (SF) and September 6 at The Troubadour (LA)! Check the ‘Tour’ page here for more details on all upcoming dates!


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This year marks the twentieth anniversary of my second solo album, ‘Game Preserve’. It was never available on vinyl UNTIL NOW! Thanks to Lovemonk Records we have new vinyl LPs, gloriously remastered from the original 1/4 inch tape mixes! To commemorate this (and hopefully sell a few copies) I’ll play two shows: May 20 at Permanent Records Roadhouse (Los Angeles) and May 26 at Thee Stork Club (Oakland), accompanied by Jon Erickson (bass), Michael Urbano (drums), Dave Gleason (lead guitar) and Carrie Clough (vocals) – all alumni from the original album sessions. We will, of course, perform songs from the album. Additional harmonies will be provided by The Moore Brothers who’ll perform an opening set in LA!

Advance tickets for Oakland available now! Just find the link on my ‘Tour’ page!

Order your vinyl LP of ‘Game Preserve’ HERE


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España Otra Vez!

Happy to announce this lovely tour of Spain! Check the Tour page for details!


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‘Episodes’ is out now! Order a copy, download or stream here:
Big thanks to Graeme Gibson, Wayne Faler, Andres Renteria, Aaron M. Olson, Jessica Espeleta, David Stern, Robin MacMillan, Hud Bixler & Dina Maccabee for contributing such fine accompaniments. Cover art by the brilliant Jessica Dean Harrison.


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New Singles Out Now, ‘Episodes’ Album Coming In March!

After nearly two years away from ye olde website I’m back to announce the coming release of a solo album, ‘Episodes’, coming March 25 on Tapete Records! Two songs, ‘It’s You’ and ‘Alice Arrives’ are available to stream now, the latter being a marvelous collaboration with string arranger and violist, Dina Maccabee. There will be two west coast record release shows: April 9 at Zebulon (LA) and April 14 at The Chapel (San Francisco). After that, the plan is to tour Europe this summer and I’ll be sure to publish those dates here. Thanks for stopping by!


Line drawing by the illustrious Jessica Dean Harrison, whose artwork will grace the cover of ‘Episodes’

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Flyer for upcoming LA show by Sean Sullivan. Hope to see you there!


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Spanish Summer Concerts

I’m excited to be returning to Spain this week to start a short summer tour of festivals! These solo performances begin in A Coruña, Galicia at the Noroeste Festival and I’m very much looking forward to seeing PATTI SMITH there as well! After that I’m in Lugo and then we’ll head down south to Cádiz for three concerts. All in all, it should be a fun time! Be sure and check the ‘Tour’ page for details!


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June 30 Bart & The Bedazzled returning to play live at everyone’s favorite L.A. venue, Zebulon! Tara Jane O’neil also performs teaming up with David Pajo, Marjorie Fair opens and tastemaker dj Taylor Rowley will spin records in-between sets!


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18_01-19_Rushmore-Tenenbaums_soundcheck_0019BIt’s been eight years since I last played the Big Apple and I’m happy to announce that on Saturday, February 16 I’ll be at Symphony Space on the upper west side with Marc Capelle and his Red Room Orchestra, playing songs from the films of Wes Anderson. The list of amazing players on this show is too long to list here but it will include Yuka C. Honda, Toby Dammit, Hether Fortune, Allyson Baker, Tom Ayres, Karina Denike, Robin MacMillan, Eli Crews, Dina Maccabee and Margaret Cho. Get your tickets HERE!

The next night on February 17th in Brooklyn, I’ll play a solo set at Pete’s Candy along with Karina Denike and Billy Bouchard. This show is free!


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