San Francisco and Los Angeles

Hello little bunnies! I will be in San Francisco on Friday, March 20, playing in Marc & The Casuals at THE CHAPEL. There will be several amazing guest performers sitting in that night, including Adrianne DeLanda (Extra Classic) and the great Nick Waterhouse!

The following night on Saturday March 21, I’ll do a solo set at DOCS LAB, the former location of the legendary Purple Onion! One of my fave singers, Rykarda Parasol will also perform along with a new group called Little Person – featuring twin brothers Nicky and Max of the esteemed Weinbach Family! There’s limited seating and advance tickets are cheaper. I encourage you to buy advance tix by CLICKING HERE!

Finally, on Friday, March 27 The Bart Davenport Band will perform an early set in Los Angeles, opening for Will Sprott, Luke Sweeney and La Luz at the beautiful and historic HM157 in Lincoln Heights!

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